Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 2020
Developing a simulation framework for assisted impaired walking with wearable robotics at the Biomechanical Engineering Lab in collaboration with the Neural Rehabilitation Group at Cajal Institute (CSIC), Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, and ABLE Human Motion.
McGill University, Montréal, November 2019
Development and implementation of numerical methods and algorithms for co-simulation of mechanical systems with contact using reduced-order models for robotics applications. Programming efficient simulations in C++ and Python for real-time applications in collaboration with CM Labs Simulations Inc.
Ictineu Submarins, Barcelona, July 2012
Designing components of the manned scientific submarine Ictineu 3. From fiberglass parts of its body, to electrical subsystems, such as the novel preassure-tolerant battery module, using SolidWorks CAD software.